Psalm 139:23&24 – “Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in Thy everlasting way.”
I imagine many of us are familiar with Psalm 139. It reminds us of God’s great love and care for us. We are also reminded that we are never alone and that He knows us intimately (VV 1-6).
We read of how we were formed with purpose and intent and that the time of our life on earth has been set and determined by Almighty God (VV 13-16)
Our faith in God is strengthened and undergirded by knowing that He is all-seeing, all-powerful and everywhere present.
And yet, it is the words of verses 23 & 24 that I often turn to in order to see if I am truly on the path that the Lord has chosen for me. I find great joy in teaching others the importance of living out God’s Word in their lives. The Scriptures come alive as they play out in our choices and priorities. I also love encouraging through writing and cheering people on to be their best. And I love visiting those in prison and reminding them that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. And although these activities seem to be worthy pursuits, I need to make certain that God is indeed calling me to be involved in them. And I need to be absolutely certain that these wonderful opportunities do not, in and of themselves become idols, but are carried out in His Name in gratitude for all He has done for me.
I share with you a beautiful poem from the book “Reclaiming Love” by Ajith Fernando:
Savior, if my feet have faltered
On the pathway of the cross.
If my purposes have altered,
Or my gold be mixed with dross.
O, forbid me not Thy service,
Keep me yet in Thy employ.
Pass me through a sterner cleansing,
If I may but give Thee joy.