Psalm 5:3 – “In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.”
I must sit down and seek Him at the start of each new day.
To know the plans He has for me, to hear what He might say.
There are those tasks which must be done, on almost any day.
But let them not deter me, from giving Him full sway.
I thank Him for the day ahead, with an open, yielded heart.
Grateful for new chances, a clean slate, and a fresh start.
I’ll expect to see Him in all things, in the ordinary round.
While shopping, cleaning, teaching or cooking, Our Lord God may be found.
I come to Him just as I am, whether broken, grieved or whole.
I arise from our encounter, calm and peace within my soul.
Begin each day with gratitude, expect to see His face.
A day like no other will unfold – filled with His amazing grace.