We have several opportunities available for you to get involved.
We have a job opening for a part-time teacher.
All interested parties please click on the job application
link below to submit your application.
(661) 489-5952 / info@befinallyfree.org
Pray – it all starts with prayer. Pray for Be Finally Free and pray for the many people we are seeking to help. Want to do more? Join our prayer team.
Office Volunteer – We need help with all sorts of things like data entry, making copies, scanning, filing, cleaning, etc.
Notes of Hope Volunteer – Help with our correspondence Bible study program.
Event Volunteer – We do several community events and large fundraising events throughout the year and always need an army of people to help.
Teach – If you have experience and a heart to help, we want to expand our reach and need people to come alongside us.
Counseling – We are looking for experienced Christian counselors or substance abuse counselors that are interested in volunteering their time to help.