Be Finally Free educates both inside and outside of prison walls. We build relationships that allow us to mentor, teach, and equip people to make better choices. Our education programs reflect these priorities by offering such classes as:
- Parenting-Neglect (Department of Human Services and Probation approved)
- Anger Management (Department of Human Services and Probation approved)
- Unshackled Success: Shattering the Chains of Poverty
- Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)
- Domestic Violence
- Reentry Education
- Celebrate Recovery
- Life Hurts…God Heals
Education is the cornerstone of Be Finally Free because we believe that you cannot do better if you don’t know better. For more information, or if you want to get involved, email us at
New Students:
To register for Parenting-Neglect or Anger Management click here:
Existing Students:
If you are already registered and need to pay for your next class, please click here: