Have you ever sat around and thought, “What are my basic needs?” I mean, I have a list of things I think I need. Do I need to be thinner? Do I need new clothes? Do I need a new house? Do I need my kids to obey all the time? Do I need lots of money? Do I need my husband and me to agree all the time on things I think are important? Each morning, I wake up with these running thoughts: if only…
I would compulsively go to the gym, hoping to work really hard to get a great body, which would make me feel better about myself. Then I would want to go shopping so I could make sure my clothes made me look beautiful. If I didn’t feel good about my body, then I would think, “Okay, maybe I need a new house. Then I can decorate it, change things around, make sure that I am doing something fun and exciting.” Oh, if only I had a new house. Maybe if my kids were dressed perfectly. Maybe if they were so well-behaved, they could memorize every scripture and spit off every important verse in the Bible—oh, what a life I could have…
Maybe my problem is really that we need more money. I know I could buy new things. I’m not sure what I really need, but new things. Maybe I am just unhappy because I don’t have anything new. You know, new things are just so exciting and fun—they would bring so much joy to my life. I know, maybe if my husband and I had a perfect relationship, and he would know what’s important to me, listen, validate, and be so accepting of everything I desire. Have you ever been there? We aren’t satisfied with this life we have been given, so we go running after all these things that we think are the secret. We think all these things will give us that everlasting happiness that we think we need. We think if only what we see could be the answer to fix all of our holes, then we would finally be complete. If only…
I’m sure a woman in the Bible by the name of Hagar felt the same way. You know, if only I hadn’t slept with Abraham, I wouldn’t have this child and be abandoned out here. Maybe if I hadn’t gotten the job with Sarah, I would have never known about this opportunity to have a child and be close to Abraham and Sarai and be where I am now. Maybe if I wasn’t so desperate for a job, I could have had another job and been in a much better place than I am now. Maybe if I would have never said yes, I wouldn’t have been abused, mistreated, or neglected. If only…
What do we do when we aren’t sure what to do in situations like this? Who do we cry out to? Who hears us? Who listens? In Genesis 16:13, it is a story of a woman who thought she had done the right thing by listening to her boss. She obeyed what her boss wanted, and later the boss was mad at her for doing what she was told to do. The lady, Hagar, fled her situation because her boss began to mistreat her. She was being treated unfairly. Hagar fled from the chaos. Hagar was found by an angel, and the angel asked her, “Where are you going?” Hagar replied, “I am fleeing from my mistress Sarai.” The angel then told her to go back and submit to her. The angel proceeded to tell her she would have more children and that the Lord heard her affliction. Wow! The Lord hears her affliction. What did Hagar do in that moment? Was she crying out to God and asking Him, “Why is this being allowed? Where am I supposed to go or do now? Lord, show me the way?” It doesn’t specifically tell us what Hagar was saying or thinking, but I can only imagine, as I said at the beginning, those questions of if only… God heard and answered. Isn’t that what we all want? When we are in the middle of a battle, we just want to be seen, heard, and validated? Hagar was so moved that she spoke out, “YOU ARE THE GOD WHO SEES.” Oh, what joy that brings to our hearts when we know we aren’t alone. God sees us, hears us. He just wants us to cry out to Him. He is always willing to help us, but He first wants our hearts to want Him.
What are you crying out to God for today? The Bible says in Jeremiah 31:33, “Cry out to Him, and He will give you the answers to your cry.” The Bible also says in Joshua 1:9, “the Lord God is with you wherever you go.” In 1 Chronicles 28:20, He says He will never abandon us nor forsake us. So, in your desperation, whatever it might be today, know that the God who Sees you, hears you, and desires to listen and validate you. You are never alone, my friend. We serve a God who truly wants us to feel known by Him. James reassures us with James 4:8, “Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you.”